
When prayer requests come in to our public prayer group, we randomly distribute them between 9 groups. We do this because it was nearly impossible for our members to pray for 100 or more requests per day. So, when you enter a request, it is quite possible that you will not see it in the email that you receive. Most likely it was just distributed to a different group.

Most of the time, this error is caused by double-clicking the login button instead of clicking it once. This is very common, since we are all so used to double-clicking!

What I would suggest is that when you are on the login page, press the ctrl key and f5 at the same time to reload the login page. Then enter your login credentials and make sure that you only click the login button once.

Getting Started

Anyone can submit a prayer request to Prayer Chain Online. Our public group is open to anyone to join, but you don’t have to be a member to submit a request. Here is how you submit a request:

First, click the button on our home page as shown below:


This will take you to a page where you can enter your information. Enter as much information as you feel is necessary for others to pray effectively. Try not to use last names when referencing others. When you have entered your information, click the submit button to send the request to us.


You can use the chat button to talk to someone online. If no one is currently available to chat with you, you will be able to send us a message instead.

By joining our public prayer group, you will be able to see the prayers that others have posted and pray for them as they pray for you. It is a true blessing to be part of such a group where you feel personally invested in the lives as others as you pray for them. There is no obligation on your part to pray for all requests, and we don’t keep track of who prays for each request.

To join, click on the button as shown below on our home page:


This will take you to the screen below. You will need to create a new account by providing your email address and a password. The password needs to be at least 6 characters long.


Once you click the “Join” button, you will be taken to a page where you can edit your profile. All of this information is optional and can be changed at any time.


Click on "Edit Profile" in the page banner to return to the Edit Profile page.

When you first join Prayer Chain Online, you will immediately be taken to the page to view prayer requests.  If you return to the Home page of the site, you will see a new button that you can use to quickly view requests.


When viewing requests, you can click on the column heading to sort the list by that column. If you click the same column again, it will toggle between ascending and descending order.


If you click on the title of the request, you can view the request on a single page as shown below:

Clicking on the praying hands in either the list view or on the detail view will increment the counter to show that you have prayed. We do not record the name of each person who has prayed, we only increment the counter so the person who submitted the request has some indication of how many people have prayed.

From the list view, you can also click on the Description of the request to quickly see the entire request without having to go to a different page to see the details.

It is easy to start your own group on Prayer Chain Online.  First, start by clicking on the button on our home page.


If you already have an account on Prayer Chain Online, you should log in first so that this group will be linked to your current account. If you don’t want to join our public group and only want to start your own group, then clicking this button will allow you to create an account without joining the public group.


Once you have entered the information above, you will be taken to your Group Administration page. You will find that you will also have a new button on your home page that you can use in the future to easily get to your admin page.

Group Administration

You can get to your Group Administration page by clicking on the Home Page link as shown below:

Below is a sample administration page. You can have multiple prayer groups at Prayer Chain Online, and all of your groups can be managed from a single page.


Prayer Chain Online now operates on a donation-basis only. We made this decision to make it easier for people to start their own prayer group and to encourage smaller organizations to participate. Feel free to donate whenever the Lord guides you. Giving is totally optional, so don’t feel pressured to give. At this time, your donations are not tax deductible. We hope to change that in the future as funds permit us to pursue tax-exempt status.


The “Approve Request” hyperlink on the Group Administration page shows you in parentheses how many requests are pending, waiting for your approval.  You can easily approve requests from this screen by clicking on the “Approve” hyperlink.


To view current requests, click on the hyperlink on the Group Administration page.  

Requests “expire” after 30 days, meaning they roll off the active list. You can change expired requests to add them back to the current list by clicking on the link “View Expired Requests.  You will see a screen similar to below:


By clicking on the +30 days, +60 days or +90 days links, you can extend the expired date so that the request will show for another 30, 60 or 90 days.

Click on the “Approve Members” link to see a list of members waiting for approval.

You can easily approve members by clicking on the “Approve” link. To deny membership in your group, click the “Deny” link.

You can view all the members in your group by clicking on the View Members hyperlink on the Group Administration page.


From this screen, you can deactivate the user (this is the same as denying them membership to you group) by clicking the “Deactivate” link. The second option will be either “Review Requests” or “Allow to Post” depending on the current setting for the member. If you click on “Review Requests”, it means that any requests submitted by this user will need to be reviewed before others can view it.  If you click “Allow to Post”, it means that the user will not require approval when posting requests.  You can also make a member a group administrator from this screen or remove the ability to administer the group. You can have as many administrators as you want.

You can invite others to join your group by clicking on the “Invite Members” hyperlink. When you invite people to join your group from this screen, they will be sent an email with a link to accept your request. Since you personally invited them, they do not need approval to join your group and will be approved automatically. If you would rather approve each person individually, send them an email instead with the link found by clicking “Share this link to sign up members”.

Choose “Edit Group Settings” to edit the various settings for your group.

The “View Statistics” option allows you to see how many requests, prayers and new members your group has for each month.

As a group leader, you can immediately send out an email of all new requests that have been approved by clicking on the link “Email new requests now” on the Group Administration page. Requests only get emailed once, so any requests you send out using this method will not be resent in the daily digest. They will, however, still appear in the weekly digest if you have that enabled.  This feature is useful if you typically enter and/or approve all of your requests at one time and want to immediately send an email without waiting for the next morning’s daily digest. It is also useful in situations where you have an emergency and need the request to go out right away. The email sent will use the Daily Digest Email Text for the message, so be sure to change this in the Group Settings page before sending.

How To...

Click here to donate to Prayer Chain Online

Prayer Chain Online now operates on a donation-basis only. We made this decision to make it easier for people to start their own prayer group and to encourage smaller organizations to participate. Feel free to donate whenever the Lord guides you. Giving is totally optional, so don’t feel pressured to give. At this time, your donations are not tax deductible. We hope to change that in the future as funds permit us to pursue tax-exempt status.

Click on the Edit Profile link in the page banner to go to the Edit Profile page.

You will see your profile as shown below:

Click on the “Change Password” link to change your password.

Click on your email in the page banner to go to the Edit Profile page.

You will see your profile as shown below:

Click on the “Manage My Groups” to see the groups you belong to. From here, you can choose to unsubscribe from email or even remove yourself completely from the group. Once you remove yourself from the group, you will no longer be able to view requests for the group.